Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Odyssey

I will begin jotting the events of my Odyssey with today. I'm not sure if Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent and especially penitential in nature, is a particularly appropriate day to begin a blog in which one is recording the happenstances of her zany life. No matter. I begin today. 
Following the example of some of my dear friends, I take keyboard in hand or lap and write. I will be graduating from the University of California, Berkeley in just a few months now and hope to utilize this blog as a medium to keep friends, family, and my own self abreast of the forks and bends in the ambiguous future that I teeter into. 
Currently, I am studying Landscape Architecture at UC Berkeley. The impending question of "what will you do when you graduate?" has been on my mind for quite some time now. Some days I know the answer, others I don't. At the beginning of my senior year I had decided that I would pursue some sort of jewelry design education in Italy. The romantic notion still lingers in my mind, but during the semester, my best and most memorable semester at Cal, I shifted gears from the more extravagant aspect of design to a more practical. I plunged into the writings of St. Hildegard von Bingen and started incorporating the plants in her medicinal "Physica" and the ideas of her visionary "Scivias" into my own design process. I don't know where this will take me exactly, but this has been my thrust as of late: to create space that is spiritually and physically healing. Imagine, beautiful uplifting spaces perhaps attached to clinics, or convalescent homes that provide the ingredients for natural curing both literally and figuratively. Again, I'm still unsure of the who's, what's, where's and why's of this idea and whether this constitutes graduate school, research in Germany. I do know that I still have a great deal of probing ahead of me. It's full speed ahead! 

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