Saturday, February 26, 2011

And the Adventures Continue...


Gentle Readers, in case you have forgotten, don't worry the adventures continue. Shortly after Kristen's and my Excellent Adventure in Ireland last March (Can you believe it! It's already been a year!!!) and after a few local adventures in which we threw a great party whilst the parents were gone, I went to my old high school prom, Fran and I ran the Bay to Breakers which was fantastic, Susana had her first baby, etc... Philipp and I took off to Spain for a three week sojourn in which we became, we are, pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago ( We met many wonderful people, most especially my dear friend Vicente, and had the most incredible spiritual, cultural and physical escapade imaginable. It was a dream among stars. Thank you Santiago. For my new friends in Spain that check my blog every day:

Since August, I have been staying very busy. The dreams continue as always. Some morph into realities and others evolve into other dreams. I.e. I took a Chemistry class over the last semester... phew! That was fun! I hadn't used that side of my brain in a long time, so it was good to exercise the old cranium. I coached the 5th and 6th graders this year and we did pretty well! I'm proud of my girls! I have been teaching art to the young high school ladies at Saint Thomas More ( They are so talented and never cease to amaze and teach me! Business at American Precious Metals ( continues to grow and teach us. So what's next...

Argentina. I'm going to Argentina to visit my Grandparents. It's been 11 years since I was there and on my return from Spain, Abuela reminded me of this fact. I can take a hint! As the time to fly approaches, I become more excited... excited to see Abuelos and excited to explore the country of my mother's youth as an adult.

As for other things, time will let them unfold... All I can promise is ADVENTURE AHEAD!